Saturday, November 11, 2006
Project Meeting ~ 25th October
Visit to Public Records Office (Kew). Andy is organising a day trip to Kew on Wednesday 6th December
Update 29/11/06 - 6th Dec trip cancelled due to numbers , to be re-arranged!
NAS Course Feedback. Andy , Tracey & Chris attended the NAS Introductory Course and said they found it interesting & informative. TRT Group members who have not attended are recommended to do so!
Accounts. It was decided to open a bank account for the Group in the name of Meridian Divers (in recognition that the Groups interest were wider than the current project (TRT).
Dive Boat. Alan announced that MacD , the brand new diving RIB was now up & running. This should allow us to more readily pursue project dives.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Nautical Archaeology Society ~ Training

The TR Thompson Project Group recognise the need for responsible diving on what amounts to a part of our national heritage. As a result the Project Group encourage members to undertake training with the Nauticla Archaeology Society .
The Nautical Archaeology Society is a non-government organisation formed to further interest in our underwater cultural heritage. Thery are a registered charity based in the United Kingdom, but with strong links to sister organisations around the world
On 21st October 2006 the following three members joined the list of those who have undertaken NAS training, when they completed their "Introduction to Foreshore & Undewater Archaeology Course" at Fort Cumberland:-
Tracey M
Andy N
Chris P
Thanks to the NAS for an interesting, well presented and helpful course.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Project Meeting 27th September
1. Measurements of the wreck should be checked at 2 yearly intervals to assess the rate of movement / change.
2. Ian B (NAS) indicated that we may be able to video the wreck in 2007.
3. Ownership of the wreck needs to be established. (NAS will enquire with reagrd to the benefits & liabilities of ownership)
4. More research (in peson) required at the Public Records office / NMM.
5. Possible side scan sonar survey in 2007.
Notes from the meeting have been produced by Sheila and will be circulated to those present.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Useful Research Website from the NAS
Researching the mariners and ships of the merchant marine and the world's navies.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006
TRT images August 2005 Bank Holiday
Monday, September 11, 2006
TRT measuring exercise 25th August 2006
Partnering up with Jim H we decided on what to measure before the dive and who was doing what. I had the easier job of just reeling off the tape whilst Jim took and noted the measurements which are listed below.
One of the questions we raised after doing this is how will these measurements and perhaps others in the future benefit the project? Are we just measuring for the sake of it?
Obviously the use of datums etc is a different ball game and is useful for plotting exact positions of items on the wreck if we want to produce a detailed map but as a team I feel we lack the experience to do this at this time.
Listed below are the measurements :-
Propeller bladehub to tip 2.24m width 1.04m
Top of pintle on rudder(seabed) to tip of centre stern rib 11.65m
Tip of centre stern rib to steering quadrant post 3.60m
Height of steering quadrant post 2.8m length from post to centre point of 'T bar' o-----)
Width of 'T Bar', 2.0m point to point
2.4m gun barrel tip to breech 3.2m base of mount to barrel
Friday, September 01, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Simplified Impression of TRT wreck layout
Sunday, August 27, 2006
TRT Group Meeting 23rd August
1. Story so Far –
Circulate document (Chris 1st) amendments and additions using ‘track changes’
Action: Andy
Response: In hand (28/9/06)
2. Success List – Goals etc.
Action: Tad
Response: Done (presented at 27th Sept Meeting)
3. Future Meetings – Notes of meeting and agenda for each meeting
Action: Sheila
Response: Done!
4. Link to NAS website
Action: Chris
Response: NAS requested on 11th August 2006 - have advised that the link should be in place within a week.
5. Project Format – DVD, booklet etc.
Action: Tad
Response: Done - Project will aim to produce a DVD.
6. Ian Barefoot – Arrange visit
Action: Chris
Response: Ian attending the next TRT meeting on the 27th September.
7. NAS courses – Details and dates for courses (see below on Blog)
Action: Andy
Response: See existing entry on this Blog & add comments as required.
Sheila (Secty)
Impression of Deck Gun

An impression of the deck gun on the TRT drawn by Chris-P following the dives of 25th August. The gun and mounting is heavily fixed to a substantial plate / decking secton . The Plate is lying at a angle of perhaps 45 degrees . Apart from a double bollard the plate and area of the gun is unobstructed. The Barrel of the gun was measured to be 3.2 metres long.
Double Dive on the TRT ~ 25th August
Thursday, August 24, 2006
T R T Dives ~ 25th August 6am Sharp
NAS Introductory Training ~ Names Here !!
1. Andy N
2. Tracey M
3. Chris P
TRT Group Meeting 23rd August - Use of Blog
Shiela & Ernie
Tracey & Andy
Welcome aboard!
Friday, August 18, 2006
TRT Dives Planned for 25th August 2006
Monday, July 10, 2006
NAS Introductory Training
Friday, July 07, 2006
T R Thompson ~ Project Team Meeting
Renewed energy will now be going into 1). Getting dives on this wreck, 2). Videography & Photography of the Wreck, 3). Hsitorical Research.
The period of anticipated best-viz is approcahing , so let's hope we can take advantage of it.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
TRT Dived ~ 24th June 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
The Ship's Bell

Andy, Tracey & Chris were kindly invited to the home of the Bromley BSAC diver who recovered the T R Thompson bell in 1989. An accomplished diver and wreck researcher he had recovered ten ships bells but the TRT bell was the largest (and heaviest) of them all. It took Andy & Chris to lift the bell out into the daylight for a photo. Finding the bell invloved a degree of good luck , the plan had been to dive another wreck but a fishing boat moored over that wreck saw Bromley BSAC relocating to the TRT. The bell was lying upside down in the sand with only the circular rim showing. The dive team had to use a lorry jack to push winches out of the way to free the huge bell - what a find! And more luck was needed to recover it, just as the bell was lifted one of lines to one of the lifting bags failed and the bell was only prevented from sinking out of sight by a diver holding the divers ladder in one hand and the bell in the other - Phew , a close one! Chris-P
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
T R Thompson ~ Dived 6th June 2006
The evening dive was a real bonus, air temp was warm, the sky was blue, the sea flat and the sun shining! Underwater viz lookewd like it would be good but was reduced to about 3+m and as the sun set the dive became quite dark. The shot landed around mid-ships and our little cruise around the wreck at 32m was constrained by time. We toured over the iron ore cargo and holds , found a huge boiler and engine but didn't quite reach the stern . A couple of good sized lobsters saw us and took up defensive positions but they were not our objective! Depth limited us to 29mins (inc 5m stop) so it was long ride (8miles) for a short dive but it was good to see the wreck I've not dived for nearly three years! It won't be so longto the next return!
Friday, June 02, 2006
The TRT Makers Plate
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Reconciling Lists - No progress!
The CWGC casualty lists :
Ibrahim Ali - Fireman & Trimmer , and
Ali S - Fireman.
Whereas Andy's crew list only lists "Ibrahim Ali"
This clearly suggests TWO fireman both having the name of 'Ali'.
The CWGC list also lists "Abdullah, Fireman & trimmer", whereas Andy's list records "A Aboullah" . This is probably the same man.
Net result - no clearer on identifying any survivors!
TRT Crew List
Master William S SHEWAN
First Mate: Evan NICHOLAS aged 69 Born in Mathry
Second Mate: Stanley SPAIN age 25 born Sunderland
1st Engineer: Thomas Stanley WOODALL age 34 Born Sunderland
2nd Engineer: Marshall GODFREY age 36 born Stockton-on-Tees
3rd Engineer:Thomas Lewis HARGEST age 46 born llangorse, Breconshire
Carpenter: T HENDERSON age 53 Born London
Donkeyman: C KRIPAH age 58 born in Copenhagen
Boatswain: Harry REMNANT age 38 born Epsom
Wireless Operator: Thomas TOWLER age 27 born Hunslet Yorks
Sailor : R WINBERG age 42 born Riga, Latvia
Sailor: Albert Edward Thomas DREW age 19 born Bristol
Able Seaman: A AGG age 40 Born Bristol
Able Seaman: Henry BAKER age 31 born Liverpool
Able Seaman: W SLATER age 38 born Manchester
Seaman: Charles Gowans CRAIG RNVR Service no 5710A age 22 born Montrose
Signalman: Hananiah REES RNVR Service no Wales/Z/3488
Signalman: George SIMPSON RNVR Service no Clyde Z/8685
Cook: Freddie HOWELLS age 28 Born Newport
Steward: Joshua Simeon DAVIES age 29 Born Cardiff
Messroom Steward: J YAMARE age 22 born Yamaguchi, Japan
Appentice: Sylvester COWELL age 17 born Northallerton
Apprentice: Leslie Francis JACK age 17 born Sunderland
Fireman and Trimmers: Hasan MUHAMMAD Indian Merchant Service
Ibrahim ALI Indian Merchant Service
F MUHAMMAD Indian Merchant Service
Abdul HAMID Indian Merchant Service
A ABOULLAH Indian Merchant Service
Umar MUHAMMED Indian Merchant Service
Cooks Boy: Alexander David EVELEIGH age 15 Born Barry
Quite a multinational crew!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Memorial to Crew Member Freddie Howells

Good research by Andy N has unearthed another memorial to a T R Thompson crew member. Way back on the blog archive (June 2004) a post lists all the crew names, one such member is listed as Frederick Howells. Well frederick is Freddie and there is a brass plaque in the Memorial Hall, West Street, Newport , Pembrokeshire that commemorates Freddie. Freddie, born in Newport, was 28 years old when he lost his life.
In the right hand column of names shown in the photo , Freddie (listed under Seaman) is the fourth named.
Well done Andy.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
TRT up to her old tricks again!
Another fine mess.....!!!!
Oh well, maybe next time!
Monday, May 01, 2006
TRT Dive Planned for 7th May 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Welcome to DIVER readers !
As you will see this blog is devoted to collating information on the TRT. If you can contribute to the work please let me know by adding a comment to this post.
Take time to look through the blog, there is quite a lot material and much of the easily found on the www stuff has been found (but I'm sure not all of it!). Ideally we like info on the TRT itself even if this indirect, pictures of the ship are always welcome, either before or after she sank.
If you have a lot of information to share add your email to the comment. All comments are brought promptly to my attention , I will contact you and if need be edit comments.
Hope you enjoy the information and that you can contribute.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Inscription on the Head stone - Fireman S Ali
Top :
Grateful thanks to the CWGC for their assitance . The CWGC also confirm that it is their belief that Ali's grave is the only known grave for those who lost their life in the sinking of the TRT.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
How the Survivors were Rescued ?
The TR Thompson sank so quickly that 33 of the crew were killed outright. There was a tremendous explosion and the next thing that the three survivors could recall was that they were in the water. Those on a nearby trawler heard the blast and headed it to the debris field and found the three men. The sinking occurred at 3.50am, which is probably why most of the crew perished. Many would have been trapped below, as the ship fell to the sea floor.
Check the site yourself on :-
All we need now is details of the nearby trawler, it's crew and what happened to the survivors. We could ask Simon Volpe I suppose but sometimes journalists are relucatnt to reveal the sources!
Sunday, February 05, 2006
T R Thopmson Dive 5th Feb 2006 ~ Not by us!
Few of us went out on Spartacat today, planning to do the TR Thompson. Vis didn't look great at the surface (coffee coloured water) and it only got worse as we descended. Hopes that it was just a surface layer and would clear as we got deeper were dashed around halfway down the line, when we met Alan (Getafix) coming back up. Not a good sign. Eventually hit bottom at 29m, in about 15cm of vis (seriously). Only stayed long enough to locate Matt and (using touch signals) indicate we should go back up.
Hmmm, gallant effort "Tom", especially in 5 Deg C of water. Do let us know when you do see something ... that said the Yorkshire Divers article went on to say that there was a net on the wreck , so do keep an eye open and take care!
Sunday, January 08, 2006
T R T ~ Memorials : Fireman S ALI ~ Inscription
T R T ~ Memorials : Grave of Fireman S. ALI

As far as this project research is concerned, the grave of Fireman S Ali a member of the T R Thompson crew is the first grave to be located. As far as I can establish at this time Ali's grave is the only known grave for a victim of the sinking of the T R Thompson. The grave is situated in St James' Cemetery, Old Charlton Road, Dover, Kent.
T R T ~ Memorials : Portsmouth Naval Memorial

On 10th June 2004 I posted a list of locations for T R Thompson memorials with a view to getting them photographed. With this posting is the Portsmouth Naval Memorial which is a huge monument with many thousdnads of names inscribed upon it. Sadly I was unable to find a reference to the T R Thompson or her crew but I presume it must be there - perhaps some more enquiries to locate the inscription.